Inclusive Leadership, Equity, Accessibility, & Diversity

Project Overview
iLEAD is a large-scale national research project that aims to develop and validate the best ways to support leaders in creating inclusive and healthy workplaces.
Phase 1: Literature Review
We thoroughly reviewed the academic literature regarding diversity and inclusion from the perspective of gender. We used the literature to answer three main questions:
Can we identify the leadership behaviours and interventions that support a gender-inclusive workplace (and how to measure these behaviours and their outcomes)?
What types/facets of leadership interventions effectively create inclusive and gender-equitable cultures?
How can we protect the health of female leaders while in leadership roles?
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Phase 2:
Focus Groups
In phase 2, we conducted focus groups and interviews with subject matter experts to identify best practices and caveats in supporting inclusive workplaces and in supporting the health and wellbeing of workers. This phase had an additional step to involving development of the Inclusive Leadership and Self-Care Scales.
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Phase 3: Coaching
We conducted coaching workshops focused on inclusive leadership and self-care: Thirty-one leaders took part in these workshops. Surveys addressing the main issues of inclusive leadership, self-care, and workplace outcomes were conducted pre-workshop, during the workshops (which lasted on average of four weeks), and after the workshopwereconcluded
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Phase 4: Knowledge Mobilization
In the final phase of the project, we focused on knowledge mobilization. We developed reports, an academic paper, slide decks and infographics to share with various stakeholders. We created reports specifically for WAGE and to be made available to other organizations and researchers. We created a PowerPoint slide deck to present findings to participants and other stakeholders. We also plan to use the slide deck for academic conference presentations. Finally, we wrote an academic manuscript to be submitted to an academic journal.