Key Findings
Fostering Gender Equity at Work:Leveraging Leadership, Inclusion, and Self-Care Training
This project encompassedfourphases to address important questions regarding howorganizations can create diverse and inclusive workplaces that protect the health and well-beingof their leaders and employees
Overall, leaders who participated in the iLEAD program reported more positive attitudes toward EDIA after participation.
There were significant increases in key Inclusive Leadership factors in terms of awareness and behaviours. That is, leaders tended to report having higher awareness of EDIA issues, including implicit biases. They also reported engaging in more allyship behaviours, encouraging others to engage in ally behaviours and more behaviours that support women.
Leaders also reported an increase in engaging in and supporting leader self-care behaviours. However, there were no other significant increases in other measures of well-being over the period of the program. Interestingly, self-care was related to most of the components of inclusive leadership over time.
Participants were very favourable about the program and the opportunity to develop their leadership and self-care skills. All agreed the coaching was beneficial and most said they would recommend the program. There were no significant differences in scale means across all the samples, providing support that it can be used with different groups.
Also, as expected, the ILS and Self-Care scales were moderately correlated with each other, demonstrating relatedness in these constructs, but also unique information from each subscale.
Scroll down to access reports for each stage of the project.